
黃心穎在毫無預警之下搖身一變成為跳唱歌手,在其個人IG、FB 及YouTube 宣布於今日(14日)情人節推出新歌《Crown Me》,20秒的MV預告成功引起關注,這首英文歌原來由黃心穎包辦曲、詞,男友泥鯭亦有份編曲同監製。至於《Crown Me》的歌詞,可見是黃心穎嘔心瀝血之作,曲中意思是叫大家盡情封佢做八婆,並自嘲Cheap等等,黃心穎表示一一樂意接受,看來有心置諸死地而後生。


《Crown Me》
編曲:泥鯭/Him Hui/黃心穎
監製:泥鯭/Him Hui/黃心穎
Crown me naughty
Crown me bitch
Crown me beauty Just crown me please
My teeth is pearly My brows are trimmed
My face is pointy My waist is cinched
*Come and give me a score
I’m ready for you to make me belong
I’ve got the perfect smile 3 inches wide
I’ve got the desired 33-23-35
I’ve got my personality revised
Why is it still not enough for you and
I* Crown me flashy
Crown me cheap
Crown me baby Just crown me please
I want your comments
I want your views
I want the attention Just like me please
My virtual self has her virtual words
And her virtual vision of unconditional love
This very virtual world got me my virtual belief
That the best part of me is my virtual worth

黃心穎於情人節推出全新歌曲《Crown Me》,以歌手身分正式復出,新歌於本地各大音樂媒體推出,作曲、作詞、編曲和監製都是由黃心穎一手包辦,而男友泥鯭亦有參與編曲和監製。《Crown Me》全首都是英文歌詞,歌詞中叫大家封佢為八婆、頑皮、Baby、Cheap等等,全部稱呼她都非常樂意接受。其中一句「I’ve got my personality revised. Why is it still not enough for you and I?」意思是黃心穎已修正了人格,為何對你我來說仍然不夠?成首歌不乏自嘲和求饒,黃心穎似乎想憑歌寄意吐盡這4年的心聲。MV將於今晚8點上架,而《Crown Me》的20秒預告,上載一日已經有7萬的觀看次數。

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